
The Ultimate Guide to the BEST SUMMER Weekend in Downtown NYC!


There’s nothing like summer in NYC – it seems as if the whole city is enjoying life outside – eating, drinking, soaking in the sun and city views! There is to see all over New York, so we’re taking a look at the best places in downtown NYC – the Financial District, or FiDi as New Yorkers call it. Set apart from the rest of the City, Downtown New York is an entirely different vibe. Its calmer and quieter, and has some spots that are worth visiting. Continue reading for some of the best places sights in Downtown New York City.


Bucket List Destinations – Salvation Mountain in California

In the heart of the California Desert, about halfway to Arizona and about 50 miles from the Mexican border lies a captivatingly unique structure called “Salvation Mountain.” This whimsical oasis in the middle of the dessert was created by Leonard Knight beginning in 1989. The mountain is a vibrant representation of Christian folk art derived of adobe, donated paint and recycled materials. Bright bold letters implore “God is Love”.