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Bucket List Destinations – Salvation Mountain in California


Bucket List Destinations – Salvation Mountain in California

In the heart of the California Desert, about halfway to Arizona and about 50 miles from the Mexican border lies a captivatingly unique structure called “Salvation Mountain.” This whimsical oasis in the middle of the dessert was created by Leonard Knight beginning in 1989. The mountain is a vibrant representation of Christian folk art derived of adobe, donated paint and recycled materials. Bright bold letters implore “God is Love”. This page has affiliate links and if you purchase something from this page I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. I donate 5% of this blog’s revenue to the Environmental Defense Fund, so you help donate to a great cause if you click on any affiliate links or ads that may be on this page!


Quite a site to behold, this whimsical place sits in Slab City, California, a squatter commune just Northeast of Niland, California. Its called “Slab City” because the residents that live here, made their homes from concrete slabs that were left here by the government in the 1950s. The location was home to a World War II military training base, that was ultimately decommissioned and dismantled, leaving only the concrete slabs in its place. The location became an attractive site for drifters looking a life “off the grid.” The area evolved into a celebrated commune for those who value living a free and simple life away from society’s restrictions. Salvation Mountain became the community’s “unofficial centrepiece for the community and cemented the area’s anarchic creative identity,” according to “Independent” article, Photographing Slab City, California’s off-grid drifter community, written by Eve Watling.

Driving through Slab City and exploring Salvation Mountain was quite a surreal experience. Its an extremely different way of life than anything I’ve ever seen before. Slab City and Salvation Mountain radiate a bohemian defiance, saturated with freedom from societal restrictions. Despite this electric feeling of rebellion against establishment that dissipates in the air, there is a strong sense of community as you take in the hopeful messages of love and God in these larger than life works of art.

Joshua Tree National Park

Salvation Mountain is about an hour and a half drive from Joshua Tree National Park, an interesting environment of cactus, twisted rock, exposed granite and the Joshua Tree, a unique desert plant that springs beautiful white blossoms. The landscape is a unique one and there are many hiking trails for you to explore the unique landscape.

If you find yourself in the California Desert, Salvation Mountain is a site to experience. Have you visited Salvation Mountain before? What did you think? Drop a comment below!